The best marine weather forecast system
Try Meteomed Free for 3 daysThanks to our innovative charting system at different zoom levels, you can look at all the marine weather parameters on an hourly basis for up to 7 days and on a bi-hourly basis for up to 10 days. Reading weather forecasts from charts is very intuitive and can be used for a general outlook across the entire Mediterranean, with more detailed forecasts available within a single sector or a stretch of sea in front of a port. By clicking on any marine point you will receive all of the weather parameters (weather forecast, direction, intensity and gusts of wind, wave height and direction, maximum wave height, swell, water pressure and water temperature).
Meteomed weather routeing allows you to view all of the weather forecasts along your route, which has either been automatically or manually created, setting the date, time of departure and average speed of navigation. If you have a motor boat you can set sail knowing that you will not meet rough seas, thus avoiding excessive fuel consumption or sea-sickness. If you are a yachtsman you can avoid finding yourself in windless conditions or with the "usual" headwind that drenches the deck and alarms your friends.
Through simple and immediate summary tables, enhanced with symbols, vectors and chromatic scales, you can consult all of the marine weather parameters on an hourly basis for up to 7 days and up to 10 days every six hours. It is a way to read summarised and intuitive weather data, which gives a quick perception of the evolution of the sea and wind forecast over time. Forecasts are available for 152 micro-sectors across the Mediterranean, over 2000 ports or customised weather routes. Create elegant printed PDFs and/or share your tables as often as you like.
Through an extremely customisable system, you can receive 10-day marine weather forecasts for ports or sectors directly on your mobile phone via simplified SMS or detailed emails. You can choose the weather parameters and when and how to receive them. Choose from two automatic updates per day or select the on-demand mode to receive the forecast on your smartphone whenever you want. An economical and immediate on-the-go service which is totally automatic.
Subscription holders can call 0289708085 from any mobile phone or fixed line to listen to forecasts covering the next 10 days. Our complete forecasts, which are summarised in comparison to the website or app, are read by a voice synthesiser that clearly articulates the weather data for the selected micro-sector (call and listen to the demo). If you prefer to receive a customised service, please call us and talk to our professional Meteomed meteorologist who will respond to your every question and inquiry about any sea throughout the world.
If you do not have a computer or an internet connection, you can receive SMS messages on any mobile phone with summarised marine weather forecasts for all of the Mediterranean micro-sectors covering the next 10 days. SMS messages remain in the memory on your mobile phone and you can refer back to them however and whenever you want. This service is especially helpful if you are travelling abroad, because you only pay for your subscription, without any "surprises" on your phone bill.
Meteomed is able to alert you up to 72 hours in advance via SMS or email, whenever the weather conditions exceed the thresholds of your capability, according to the information you submit in relation to your experience, type of vessel or crew. Know ahead of time if stormy weather, heavy seas, or strong winds are predicted in sectors, ports or weather routes that interest you. By being aware of any dangers in advance, you can avoid nasty surprises and you enjoy the experience of setting sail with your friends and family.
Unlike many free services, we at Meteomed offer the most reliable, accurate and up-to-date marine weather forecasts thanks to our high-resolution model and multiple model emissions during the day. Our Meteomed services are totally customisable in order to meet your every need.